Freezing winter, which is the best warm bedding for cold winter?
When it comes to cold winter, who doesn’t love curling in a ball under warm and soft bedding? However, cotton quilts, duvet quilts, cashmere quilts, silk quilts, etc. quilts made out of different materials, have you ever known all of them and made a correct choice?
Duvet quilts
Pros: The unique spherical structure makes the maximum content of still air and is the warmest material; Not only is down lightweight, but it also heats up in the shortest amount of time, nearly twice as fast as a cotton quilt. Winter duvets are the best choice to keep warm.
Cons: The duvet cover may leak down, causing discomfort in people with allergies.
Silk quilt
Pro: About 38% of the inside of the silk is hollow, containing a large amount of air, which has a good warmth effect; a Good effect is constant temperature and humidity. The silk quilt is not as heavy as the cotton quilt, so it will not feel pressed and comfortable.
Con: The quilted surface is easily scratched; The washing method is strict, otherwise it will lose its luster surface.
Cashmere Quilts
Pros: Natural animal fiber, excellent warmth and breathability, is a wise choice for cold winter days. With good elasticity, the quilt can quickly regain its fluffy state and remain soft.
Cons: Usually heavier than duvets and silk quilts. It should not be washed or the fibres would be damaged and lose elasticity.
Cotton quilt
Pros: Relatively warm.
Cons: The time of heating up is slow, you have to use your own body temperature to warm the quilt first for about 8 minutes. Cotton quilts are much heavier than other quilts, and the comfort level is not too high.